Everyone that makes their annual pilgrimage to the Las Vegas Convention Center during the annual SEMA event knows they’ll be greeted with a mixed bag of eye candy. From high-level performance craftsmanship to builds incredibly focused on every minute detail. Then there are the neck-breakers pieced together with the intent of hearing the “ooh's and ahh’s” from spectators. Billetworkz was proud to feature its very own Porsche 1976 911 build this year in the Toyo Treadpass booth - so we’ll let you determine what category it fits into.
Austin’s vision for a Subaru-powered 911 was transformed by a dream team of builders. A multi-year-long project that he embarked on since the time of purchase in 2018 as just a roller from a friend. To help start his vision, he sought the help of renowned vehicle artist, JONSIBAL and award-winning SEMA veteran Mike Heim with Quality Custom Rides. At first glance, you’re instantly captivated by its Midnight Purple 3 paint, adapted 911 Turbo Fenders, and TBK bumpers easily making you stick around for an extended stay as you drink in its finer points. Get down to the masterful details and you quickly realize with Austin this isn’t his first SEMA build (spoilers: it isn’t).